
With Chaos In Her Wake - Treason [2010]

Genre: Deathcore
Label: Rising Records
URL: http://www.myspace.com/withchaosinherwake
Country: Hull, UK

UK's up and coming deathcore five piece With Chaos In Her Wake released their debut full-length aswell as label debut, through Rising Records.
Seeing as their previous release, Humanity EP, had a pretty characteristic sound to it, I was pretty disappointed in what I heard from Treason. It has the typical Deathcore-sound with nothing at all special, and is pretty monotone. This is pretty much the same class as Molotov Solution's latest release, which can be either good or bad depending on who listens. I wasn't a big fan of The Harbinger (read my review of it) so being the same class as it isn't a big plus in my eyes.
However, it's pretty chaotic and the vocals are powerful and brutal, but fades away with the weakness of the rest and lack of something distinguished.
They decided to put a track from Humanity on Treason - Scars In The Obelisk. The new version has a lot more depth in it, but comparing the two makes me see that maybe the vocals are what makes this album so mediocre after all, seeing as it has an incredibly common touch to it.
All in all, yet another basic deathcore-album with not much to offer but the genuine sound. If you like Treason, you'd be much better off listening to their Humanity EP.

Best track: Scars In The Obelisk
Score: 5/10


  1. Theres 2 tracks from humanity on it! From the skies is a humanity track too, there old singer was way better!

  2. I guess I missed it because it wasn't named exactly like the original, my bad!
    Yeah, their old vocals were a lot better.
    Thanks for reading!
