
Hearts Alive - The Black Sheep [2008]

Genre: Metalcore
Label: Rising Records
URL: http://www.myspace.com/heartsalivemusic
Country: Helsingborg, Sweden
Note: By band request

Swedish metalcore act Hearts Alive, freshly signed to british label Rising Records, have had their old treasure The Black Sheep out for some time now, and it's only appropriate they receive some renown until their upcoming label debut this year.
Even though slightly generic, it clearly delivers a heavy and even catchy sound and I can't help but bob my head and play a little air drums while listening to it. Seemingly they have the energy and passion, but it doesn't quite stand out. As I said, it's generic and sound like the typical metalcore act, and (here I go again) what's lacking is a little unique-ness. Sure, what's there already is fine the first listen but the more you listen the more boring it gets. To keep your interest we need something new, or perhaps even something weird that opens your eyes and think 'whoa, what was that'. It's enough to not let the listener fall into a 'I'm listening to something, but I don't really care what it is. All I know is that it's not bad'-state. Not that you do listening to The Black Sheep, but it's something to keep in mind for the future.
Judging from what I hear on this record I'd say it's a good base for a better sequel. On a live performance I believe it oughta be pretty chaotic and energetic, so I'm hoping I'll get a chance to see them live, hopefully together with other good bands from Rising Records!

Best track: The Lady, Blindfolded, Raped And Hanged
Score: 6/10

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