
I just remembered I've forgotten to link recent reviews I've written.

The Ghost Inside - Returners

That's it for now, make sure you check back for my coming review of Emarosa's self-titled release due June 29th!


Sort By Title - Lost [2010]

Genre: Metalcore/Punk
Label: Unsigned
URL: http://www.myspace.com/sortbytitle
Country: Trollhättan, Sweden
Note: By band request

You can almost feel the thoughts behind the band's name: "Dang, can't think of anything. Hm, let's browse some through iTunes and maybe we'll find some inspiration... Mm, okay.. Sort by title... ... waaaait..!"
Sort By Title,
hailing from the same town as Walking With Strangers - Trollhättan - has a very youth-ish sound to them which sure could deserve a little refining and maturity. I'm pretty sure Sort By Title wants their music to be heavy and hard hitting, but it's fairly weak and sounds like an average 90's punk band, except it features (relatively decent) screaming. However. Something that cuts my ears like a razor is the horrible, horrible clean vocals. Pretty much constantly out of key it makes me want to put pens in my ears to make it stop.
Music-wise it's pretty straight forward with very basic riffs and drum patterns. Also, I don't know if it's meant to be but the slam pad they're using sounds a little too electric to be good.
As parting words I think Sort By Title needs much refinement to make their work interesting. It's all too monotone and basic to catch your ear. The screaming is pretty decent, but they need much more work with their music and clean vocals.

Score: 5/10

I've decided to remove the Best track-part from reviews. Nothing personal against Sort By Title, but I've noticed it's hard to choose a best track on some records so it's better if I choose none at all.



One of the biggest festivals in Sweden, Hultsfredfestivalen, is soon happening and it's time for those who may be interested to check it out!
With a line-up ranging from local bands whom I've never ever heard of to world-wide stars such as Killswitch Engage and Deftones, it sure is going to be a varying experience.
And if that alone didn't convince you, you would like to know that Last View are playing as well (reviewed on this very blog)! Here's a link to their page on Hultsfred's official website.

And here's a link to the complete line-up (in "Swedish"): http://www.hultsfredsfestivalen.se/artister